
Workplace Wellness & Performance

Serving New Jersey

Remote services are also available through live online video sessions

You know you’re in the right place if you’re ready to discover the step-by-step path to maximizing workplace performance through employee health and personal fulfillment.  

Convergent Movement and Performance Emblem Physical Therapy Somerset County New Jersey NJ PNG

The convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance program

A truly holistic and all-encompassing program for workplace wellness and performance

Helping dedicated teams to maximize workplace performance by conquering pain, illness, stress, and burnout. 

Organizations have the power to make drastic changes in their employees’ health and performance… and this program aims to prove it! 

The Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance Program consists of 5 workshop sessions, with each session uncovering 1 of 5 essential factors:


Balance stress and recovery


Fuel your body with healing nutrition


Enhance healthy pain-free mobility, strength, endurance, and control


Discover truly restful sleep


Connect with yourself and others in ways you’ve never imagined possible


Although each session may stand alone, each subsequent session builds off the content of the session before. 

Participants will be introduced to the background and significance of each pillar as well as practical and realistic step-by-step actions to take.  All information is backed up by published research, with all references and quotes provided.

Each live workshop session spans 60-90 minutes including time for questions.  Sessions are provided digitally or in person (based on COVID-19 status) so that all can safely and comfortably attend and participate.

Lastly, we can decide on a convenient schedule that works well for your organization and employees.  The program is most commonly held at a frequency of 1 class per week for 5 consecutive weeks.  But this can be adjusted as needed based on your organization’s needs. 

Initiative 1

Manage Healthcare Spending

Managing and avoiding unnecessary business expenses is a common goal when running a successful and profitable organization.  With that in mind, I’m sure you’ve come to realize just how significant of a spend employee healthcare and insurance is for your organization.  Furthermore, the higher the incidence of health and wellness related conditions, the higher the costs of healthcare. 

For instance, did you know that the more your employees utilize the healthcare system and their insurance, the more your insurance premiums may rise in subsequent years? 

But what if I told you that the majority of chronic diseases accounting for medical care can be either prevented, reduced, stopped or even reversed through lifestyle modifications?  In other words, without injections, medications, surgeries, or even supplements!

This is no longer wishful thinking, but rather a research-supported fact widely promoted by the Center of Disease Control and the World Health Organization.

Our program focuses specifically on these aspects of health and wellness that have been research-proven to prevent, slow down, stop, or reverse many chronic diseases that directly impact your healthcare premiums. By providing your employees with the opportunity to learn how to reduce or prevent chronic diseases, your organization may successfully begin managing healthcare spending.

Initiative 2

Improve Workplace Performance

Now let’s transition to an exciting conversation – optimizing your employees’ performance.  Through the growth and development of your organization, I’m sure that significant time and effort were spent towards finding and employing talent.  After all, your employees are essential for carrying out administrative, marketing, sales, or service delivery tasks that are crucial for business operations. 

I believe it’s safe to say that organization leaders expect their employees to bring their “A-Game” each and every day.  That way, operations can be fulfilled, new business is achieved, and current business is highly satisfied and well-serviced.   


But what happens when your employees don’t make it to work because of a health or wellness related situation (i.e. absenteeism)?  That employee’s contribution to overall operations is not being fulfilled, resulting in either worsened business performance or increased stress on the remainder of the employees to fill in the gaps.  

Days away from work aren’t the only major issue through.  Those employees that have poor health and wellness related conditions and DO make it to work are far less likely to perform at their very best (i.e. presenteeism). 

Various negative health and wellness conditions such as depression and anxiety, cardiovascular disease, diabetes, obesity, and physical pain are just some of the conditions that significantly influence your employees’ ability to focus and concentrate, think clearly, problem solve, and bring innovative ideas to the table. 

Over time, it’s not uncommon to witness burn out as employees lose a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment from their work.

When employee health, wellness, and a sense of fulfillment suffer, business performance suffers as well.

Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance

live workshop Series

Session 1


Controlling your state by balancing stress & recovery

“State” is a term used to describe the balance between stress and recovery (both physical and mental). Neither stress nor recovery are necessarily “good” nor “bad,” as you absolutely need both in order to remain healthy, strong, and achieve any form of success. 

A balanced state supports balance throughout all systems of your body, including the immune system.  Ultimately, regulating your state provides greater control over how you respond to life’s challenges.   

This session provides the step-by-step guide to controlling your state by balancing stress and recovery.

Session 2

Healing Nutrition

Preventing and reducing chronic disease

Our diet and hydration directly support physical and mental activity, and have a significant influence over the development and healing of our bones, joints, muscles, tendons, nerves, skin, and organs. 

Furthermore, nutrition impacts the immune system, body inflammation, rate of healing, and even our emotional and mental well-being. 

This session provides the step-by-step guide to supporting your immune system while reducing chronic inflammation and the risk of chronic disease. 

Session 3

Move Right To Feel Right

Incorporating physical activity for optimal health

We all know that exercise has the power to help us gain strength and manage our weight. 

But did you know that there is direct evidence that a LACK of physical activity is a major cause of both mental and physical chronic disease?  Additionally, strategically planned physical activity helps to improve memory, concentration, and creativity.  

This session provides the step-by-step guide to improving overall health, well being, and performance through physical activity and exercise.

Session 4

Overnight Recovery

Achieving restful sleep

Breakthroughs in research are demonstrating that sleep directly influences your immune system, metabolism, and ability to heal, recover, and perform. 

Sleep has also been shown to impact your mental and emotional state, as well as your ability to learn, memorize, and make decisions. 

This session provides the step-by-step guide to achieving restful sleep… so you can fall asleep and awaken rested, motivated, and ready to maximize daily performance.

Session 5

Meaningful Connection

Establishing authentic and healthy connections

Personal, social, environmental, and physical connections, interactions, and community play a significant role in our state and overall health. 

Research shows that loneliness or social isolation may increase body inflammation, anxiety, depression, anti-social behavior, violence, and even reduce the rate at which an individual may recover from injury or disease.    

On the other hand, strong connections are directly linked with overall mental and physical health; including immune system function and longevity.  

This session provides the step-by-step guide to establishing healthy, authentic, and meaningful connections in ways shown to promote health and well being.

Let's Start!

Incorporating an effective health and wellness program in the workplace has the capacity to manage excessive and unnecessary spending while simultaneously improving the overall performance of the organization.  

If this is an avenue that your organization is interested in exploring, please don’t hesitate to reach out by clicking on the contact form button below. 

We look forward to partnering with your organization, and helping your team reach their highest potential!    

Do you have a Question?


Please reference the following Frequently Asked Questions. 

If you have any additional questions, please do not hesitate to reach out!

The total all-inclusive cost of the full program with all 5 workshop sessions is $1,997.00.

Up to 100 employees may participate in this program for the total all-inclusive price of $1,997.00.  We are happy to work out a fair arrangement for those organizations with greater than 100 employees.

Dr. Eugene Ketselman, PT, DPT, Cert. MDT, CSCS, FAAOMPT

All workshop sessions are provided directly by Dr. Gene Ketselman; owner of Convergent Movement and Performance and creator of the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance Program.

Dr. Gene Ketselman is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, and Certified Prevention and Health Promotion Therapist.  

Credentials and Specializations

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT), Dr. Gene Ketselman is recognized by the American Physical Therapy Association as being among the most highly trained and specialized physical therapists within the profession. 

In fact, Dr. Ketselman’s Fellowship status places him in the top 2.5% of the most highly trained and specialized Orthopedic and Manual physical therapists in the United States. 

Furthermore, Dr. Ketselman converges specialized physical therapy with his advanced knowledge in wellness, yoga, breathwork, meditation, fitness, and sport. 

The approaches utilized within each Convergent Movement and Performance program are truly personalized and individualized, with a deep focus on progressing from pain and injury all the way to the highest levels of physical performance needed to reach your specific goals.


  • Certified Prevention and Health Promotion Therapist (Cert-APHPT) by the Academy of Prevention and Health Promotion Therapies
  • Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200) through Yoga Alliance 


Physical Therapy

  • New Jersey Licensed Physical Therapist #40QA01566100 (PT)
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) from Drexel University
  • Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT)
  • [Post-Doctoral] Masters of Science in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy (M.S.OMPT) from Daemen College
  • Certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (Cert. MDT) by the McKenzie Institute 



  • Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science (B.S.) from Rutgers University
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
  • Certified Sports Performance Coach through USA Weightlifting (USAW)
  • Certified Instructor through USA Gymnastics (USAG) University
  • Certified Speed and Agility Coach (CSAC) through the National Sports Performance Association (NSPA)
  • Certified in the Functional Movement Screen by the Functional Movement Systems (FMS)

Yes, PDF handouts are available and provided with each workshop session.

Yes, absolutely! 

First, we’d like to state that the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance Program is a truly comprehensive program, and we’re not holding anything back.  The program was designed to stand alone and provide enormous support and practical guidance towards enhanced wellness and performance. 

We do however offer additional support and programs for those organizations that wish to continue working with us after the completion of the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance Program.  Through continued collaboration, we provide direct and ongoing assistance in planning, providing, and implementing the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance directly into your workplace and company culture.   

This way, you can rest assured that your employees are effectively guided to take action on the content provided within the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance Program.  Some examples of ongoing programming that may be provided to your staff directly by Dr. Gene Ketselman include:

  • Advanced workshops and practical guidance
  • Guided mindfulness, concentration, and meditation training
  • Yoga and fitness programming
  • Ongoing support with workplace ergonomics, as well as guidance and programming to reduce physical pain and injury in the workplace  

All programming is individualized to the needs and goals of your organization.  If these services interest you, our continued collaboration may be discussed as we progress through the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance Program.  

As your employees participate in the program, you will have the opportunity to witness firsthand how our powerful strategies are capable of truly transforming your team’s wellness, performance, happiness, and fulfillment. 

Let's Start!

If this is an avenue that your organization is interested in exploring, please don’t hesitate to reach out by clicking on the contact form button below.