Welcome to
Convergent Movement and Performance
Your home of where truly mindful wellness, physical therapy, and fitness converge
Realize your full potential
The Convergent Approach
The secret to realizing your full potential lies within our truly holistic, mindful, and personalized programs based on incorporating:
The Convergent Pillars of Health and Performance
Balance stress and recovery
Fuel your body with healing nutrition
Enhance healthy pain-free mobility, strength, endurance, and control
Discover truly restful sleep
Connect with yourself and others in ways you’ve never imagined possible
Please begin by selecting from our specialized programs below.
Convergent Programs
Helping truly dedicated people conquer neck, back, and nerve related pain, weakness, and exhaustion so they can regain control of their lives and finally live life to the fullest.
This program is especially for those that are experiencing neck pain (cervical spine pain), mid-back pain (thoracic spine), low-back pain (lumbar spine and/or sacroiliac (SI) joint pain), and/or nerve-related symptoms…and are looking for specialized treatment and care.
Helping truly dedicated people conquer longstanding and unresolved pain, weakness, and exhaustion so they can regain control of their lives and finally live life to the fullest.
This program is especially for those who have consulted with other healthcare providers without success, physical therapy has not worked in the past, or for those fearing the potential of surgery, wish to avoid it at all costs, and wish to see if there are other options available.
Helping truly dedicated strength-sport and fitness athletes reach their full physical potential by resolving pain and injury, managing workloads, and optimizing recovery for maximal training results.
This program is especially for those passionate (competitively or recreationally) about CrossFit, Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting, Bodybuilding/Figure, Group Exercise or Bootcamp training.
Helping truly motivated gymnasts excel in their skills and routines by resolving pain and injury, mastering shapes, optimizing fitness, and maximizing overall gymnastics-specific physical performance.
This program is especially for those passionate gymnasts that love gymnastics more than anything… and just wish they had a specialist that knew how they felt and what their sport requires.
This program was designed for the gymnasts, families, and coaches that have come to realize that finding a healthcare provider that truly understands the intricacies and demands of the sport is rare, and there is an enormous gap between healthcare, “traditional” physical therapy, and gymnastics.