
Physical Therapy in Bridgewater, New Jersey

Open for in-person or virtual telehealth sessions (NJ residents only) 

Convergent Movement and Performance Emblem Physical Therapy Somerset County New Jersey NJ PNG

A truly holistic, mindful, and personalized 1-on-1 program 

Guiding motivated seekers along their path to realizing their highest potential through physical rehabilitation, exploration of postures (Asanas), connection with the breath (Pranayama), and calming of the mind (Meditation).   

Does pain or injury prevent you from fully experiencing the practice of yoga?  

Do you have mobility, strength, or endurance limitations that prevent you from progressing in your Asana practice?  

Or do you struggle to quiet the mind and find a sense of purpose and peace – either on, or off, the mat or meditation cushion?    

Convergent Yoga is a path paved for all those that feel stuck with these challenges.   I provide truly personalized guidance along your path to realizing your highest potential through 1-on-1 sessions and personal attention.

Additional Details 

Convergent Yoga is not meant to be a replacement of your current practice, but rather a compliment.  

Scenario 1: I welcome all those brand new to yoga, those that do not have any experience, or those that simply don’t know where or how to start.  

Scenario 2:  If you have experience and currently practice independently, then we will work together to create an individualized program specific to your goals.    

Scenario 3: If you are currently working with a yoga studio, or you’re already following a specific routine, then I will assist you in developing specialized programming to supplement (but not replace) your current practice.  This specialized programming is focused on optimizing the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance – leading to the the resolution of physical pain and resulting in a truly integrated body-mind-spirit practice.

The teachings and practice of Convergent Yoga are secular.  This means that they are not based on, nor are they associated with or promote, any particular religion, god, spirit, or guru.  Rather, Convergent Yoga is based on mindfully exploring, developing, and realizing a greater understanding of your self – body and mind – within a framework guided by scientific research and experience.  

The aim of this practice is to ultimately discover a meaningful and experience-rich life of kindness, gratitude, and compassion.  Beyond this, all have the freedom and encouragement to continue practicing their own personal religion, spiritual path, or ethical and moral beliefs.   


FREE Consult

[Provided Through Live-Video (Telehealth) or Phone]

As with any path worth exploring, there may be numerous ups and downs on your journey to understanding yourself and realizing your highest potential.  

Are you battling these unexpected challenges alone? 

In times like these, I promise that I will be there for you, and help guide you through your journey. 

The approaches utilized within this program are truly personalized and individualized.  There is a deep focus on progressing from the resolution of pain and injury through the path  to realizing your highest potential.

The term “realization” has often been used to refer to many things; including spiritual concepts.

In the case of Convergent Yoga however, we are NOT discussing religious matters when referring to “realization.”  All practices and teachings are secular.    

Instead, we are referring to:

Developing a clearer sense of mindfulness, awareness, and understanding of your self, leading to the “realization” of your highest potential through the practice of Yoga – within a framework guided by scientific research and experience.

As a Doctor of Physical Therapy and Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT), Dr. Gene Ketselman is recognized by the American Physical Therapy Association as being among the most highly trained and specialized physical therapists within the profession. 

In fact, Dr. Ketselman’s Fellowship status places him in the top 5% of the most highly trained and specialized Orthopedic and Manual physical therapists in the United States.  

Additionally, as a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher with a deep and extensive personal practice, Dr. Ketselman converges specialized physical therapy with his extensive background in the 3 major aspects of yoga: Postures (Asanas), breathwork (Pranayama), and meditation. 

Finally, when appropriate Dr. Ketselman incorporates methods from his advanced training in wellness and fitness

Credentials and Specializations


  • Certified Applied Prevention and Health Promotion Therapist (Cert-APHPT) by the Academy of Prevention and Health Promotion Therapies
  • Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT-200) through Yoga Alliance  

Physical Therapy

  • New Jersey Licensed Physical Therapist #40QA01566100 (PT)
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy (D.P.T.) from Drexel University
  • Fellow of the American Academy of Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapists (FAAOMPT)
  • [Post-Doctoral] Masters of Science in Orthopaedic Manual Physical Therapy (M.S.OMPT) from Daemen College
  • Certified in Mechanical Diagnosis and Therapy (Cert. MDT) by the McKenzie Institute  


  • Bachelor of Science degree in Exercise Science (B.S.) from Rutgers University
  • Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) through the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA)
  • Certified Sports Performance Coach through USA Weightlifting (USAW)
  • Certified Instructor through USA Gymnastics (USAG) University
  • Certified Speed and Agility Coach (CSAC) through the National Sports Performance Association (NSPA)
  • Certified in the Functional Movement Screen by the Functional Movement Systems (FMS)

Click below to connect

Determine a plan

The Convergent Assessment

Realizing your highest potential is a common goal of many dedicated seekers on the path of yoga. 

But there is much more to realization than deep stretches and difficult poses.

So what exactly should you focus on?  And how? 

This detailed assessment will map out your individualized path to realization, making sure to assess and address all 5 of the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance.

The Convergent Yoga Program aims to go beyond traditional approaches to rehabilitation and yoga by placing direct focus on the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance:

  • Self Regulation: Balancing stress and recovery
  • Nutrition: Fueling the body with healing nutrition
  • Movement: Enhancing healthy pain-free mobility, strength, endurance, and control 
  • Sleep: Discovering truly restful sleep
  • Connection: Developing authentic and meaningful connections with ourselves, others, and our environment

The Convergent Yoga Physical Therapy and Private Instruction Program begins with the Convergent Assessment which is approximately 60-90 minutes in length, and always 1-on-1 without distractions. 

Click below to schedule your Convergent Assessment

Resolve what's holding you back

Convergent Yoga Physical Therapy and Wellness

Pain, setbacks, and uncertainty can come in many ways.  

If you are currently experiencing physical pain during daily activity and/or yoga practice, then resolution of this pain becomes the priority and must be addressed first.

Always remember, you can’t move forward until you resolve what’s holding you back!

Pain and injury may directly impact the ability to move with mindfulness and purpose.  Not only can the presence of pain alter the way we move, but these alterations may result in poor habits, increased stress, and a significantly higher risk of further or future injury. 

Furthermore, pain may limit the ability to quiet the mind, maintain focus, and sincerely experience the healing emotions of kindness, gratitude, and compassion.

Rehabilitation with Convergent Yoga Physical Therapy is not a pause or time away from yoga.  Rather it’s a yogic process all of it’s own.  

Exploration of postures (Asanas), connection with the breath (Pranayama), and calming of the mind (Meditation) are all fully integrated into each step of the path as we work to optimize the Convergent Pillars of Wellness. 


Convergent Yoga Physical Therapy aims to guide you to greater mindfulness, self-realization, and skills that allow you to be independent and capable of understanding, managing, and resolving your condition.  

I work hard to provide you with the ability to mindfully understand exactly what makes you better, what makes you worse, what is safe and not safe to do, and what will lead to progress along your path.   

Important: I guarantee that YOU are the priority.  Services are always provided 1-on-1 for the full length of each session.  

  • My complete attention and focus remains on you and your needs for the entirety of each session.
  • Rest assured that there will never be other clients, patients, or distractions present… unless you have special requests.
  • Remain confident that ALL of your questions and concerns will be addressed each session, and throughout the course of our time together.
  • You will never feel rushed, dismissed, or pushed away.
  • You will never be handed off to an assistant or aide.
  • You will never be left alone to do exercises, or left alone on ice, heat, or fancy machines that seem “cool” and “feel nice,” but make you question whether they really do anything meaningful.
  • Your sessions will not consist of things that make you think “Well I can just do this at home myself.”

Strengthen Your 8 Limbs

Convergent Yoga Private Instruction
Converging Body-Breath-Mind

By this step of the journey, pain is no longer limiting your ability to participate in and enjoy daily activity and yoga.  Continuing with private instruction, we maintain focus and progress through all essential aspects of yoga.

Convergent Yoga places great significance on developing all 8 of the essential aspects of Yoga – known universally as the “Eight Limbs of Yoga.”  These 8 limbs were originally described in-depth within the ancient Yoga Sutras of Patanjali written approximately 2000-2500 years ago.  

Convergent Yoga summarizes these 8 aspects of yoga into 4 factors:

  1. Ethical and Moral Action
  2. Mindful Postures, Movements and Flows
  3. Connection with the Breath
  4. Meditation 


Ultimately, the CONVERGENCE of all 4 of these factors is the path to helping you realize your highest potential through the practice of yoga. 

By incorporating the latest scientific research and published evidence within this authentic process, we are able to mindfully converge body, breath, and mind.

The first 2 limbs of yoga include “Yama” (limb 1) and “Niyama” (limb 2).  These 2 limbs can be summarized as “living a life of ethical and moral action.”  

Although traditional yoga does define specific Yamas and Niyamas, Convergent Yoga is completely secular and does not preach or promote any particular doctrine.  Instead we simply but strongly believe in the power of sincere kindness, gratitude, and compassion.  

Beyond this, all have the freedom and encouragement to continue practicing their own personal religion, spiritual path, or ethical and moral beliefs.       

The 3rd limb of yoga includes “Asana,” or mindful postures.  This is the aspect of yoga that most people in the West are familiar with.  

Convergent Yoga incorporates not only traditional yoga postures, but also advanced concepts and movements from physical therapy, fitness, strength, and conditioning.  The result is a path to optimally and mindfully develop your physical mobility, strength, endurance, and control.     

The 4th limb of yoga includes “Pranayama,” or controlling and exercising the breath (sometimes referred to as “breathwork” in the West).  This particular limb is an absolutely essential aspect of the path, as the breath is widely considered the link between body and mind.  

By truly understanding the breath through Convergent Yoga, you will develop the tools to scientifically and systematically influence stress, recovery, physical performance, and mental focus.  

Limbs 5-8 include “Pratyahara” (limb 5), “Dharana” (limb 6), “Dhyana” (limb 7), and finally “Samadhi” (limb 8).  These limbs are essentially the path of meditation.  

The process begins by shifting your focus away from the external world, and rather towards your inner self.  Here you become aware of your own personal body and mind.  

Once this inner awareness (through the practice of mindfulness) is established, you find a point of focus and develop your ability to concentrate on that point as you deepen your meditation.  

Through systematic teachings and the introduction of specific tools and techniques, Convergent Yoga guides you step-by-step through the process of meditation.  With consistent practice, Convergent Yoga works to develop authentic and compassion-based mindfulness, concentration, and insight.

Realize your highest potential

It's Time You Discover the Convergent Difference

Why many are choosing Convergent Movement and Performance over traditional PT

Say goodbye to crowded clinics, poor privacy, distracted therapists, and feeling dismissed.  It’s time to be heard and respected.  YOU are the priority, and so you deserve 1-on-1 attention.

I’m sure you’ve noticed how difficult it is to communicate your struggles with others.  What’s worse is that many just don’t seem to understand.  

Here at Convergent Movement and Performance, I guarantee that you will always be seen, heard, and respected.  To ensure this, all services will be provided 1-on-1 for the full length of each session (unless of course you choose to participate in group programs).  

Up to a full 90 minutes will be reserved for your first session, and each session thereafter will be either 60 minutes or 30 minutes depending on what is best for you and your condition.  

Finally understand what’s going on so you know exactly what you can do about it.  After all, how can you treat what you don’t understand?  Through detailed assessments, we’ll establish a personalized program developed specifically for you and your condition.  Gone are the days of doing seemingly random or generic exercises over and over again without any clear results.  Furthermore, you will be equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to know exactly what to do in order to overcome unexpected, difficult, or painful situations.      

Those suffering with ongoing pain often express that “not knowing” is one of the worst parts.  

And I understand exactly what that is like… I’ve been there myself.  

Our work together will resolve this by developing a clear and concise understanding of your condition. 

It’s time you discover exactly: 

This process provides you with powerful awareness and skills that enable you to be independent, self-reliant, and capable of understanding, managing, and resolving your condition.

Exercise and hands-on techniques are critically important, but they’re often not enough to conquer many forms of painful conditions.  Convergent Movement and Performance utilizes and combines the most up-to-date and research-supported strategies shown to successfully overcome common injuries, as well as persistent, longstanding, complicated, or chronic pain.   

The secret to conquering pain and reclaiming your life lies within the use of the Convergent Pillars of Wellness and Performance.

  • Self-Regulation: Optimally balancing stress and recovery
  • Nutrition: Fueling the body with healing and reparative nutrition
  • Movement: Enhancing healthy pain-free mobility, strength, endurance, stamina, and control 
  • Sleep: Discovering truly restorative sleep
  • Connection: Restoring or developing authentic and meaningful connections with ourselves, others, and our environment


All 5 of the Convergent Pillars are integrated into all of our work together. 

I am a strong believer that recovery, wellness, and performance programs are incomplete without a focus on all 5 of these factors.

Discover little known, but incredibly powerful tools within each pillar… allowing you to conquer pain and reclaim your life. 

Pain and difficulties don’t just wait around for scheduled appointments.  Considering that you spend the majority of your week outside of the clinic walls, I want to make sure that you have the resources, care, and support needed to overcome any challenges that come your way.  It’s important to me that you never feel alone throughout this journey. 

Our time together shouldn’t have to end between each 1-on-1 session.  Through concierge-style programs, you will feel confident knowing that I’m within reach and providing specialized support.  Convergent Movement and Performance goes above and beyond by offering the following premium benefits: 


Frequently Asked Questions

This is a fantastic question that I get asked all of the time!

The short answer: NO, all physical therapy is absolutely not the same.

The thing to understand is that physical therapy is a license and profession – NOT a method, system, technique, or approach.  In other words, if you were to see 10 different physical therapists, it is both possible and likely that you will be assessed and treated in at least 5-10 different ways.  That’s true even if all 10 PTs are working within the same clinic!

This is also precisely why it is not possible to say “I’ve tried physical therapy, and it didn’t work.”  In that situation, the individual has tried a PARTICULAR physical therapIST with a PARTICULAR approach, and maybe that treatment did not provide the desired results. 

But to say “physical therapy didn’t work” is almost as if saying, “I’ve tried a diet and didn’t lose weight, and so nutrition doesn’t work.”  Can you see the potential problems in this way of thinking? 

When selecting a physical therapist (or any licensed healthcare provider for that matter), I suggest you consider and compare the following factors:

  • What credentials, education, and experience does the physical therapist have?
  • Does the therapist specialize in treating your particular condition, or working with those with your particular goals and interests? 
  • What is the therapist’s treatment philosophy, and most importantly – does it align with your personal beliefs and goals? 

Click here to learn more about my credentials and education, as well as the specialized and individualized approach used at Convergent Movement and Performance. 

No, you do not need a prescription, script, or physician’s referral before scheduling a physical therapy session.  

In the state of New Jersey, Physical Therapists are recognized as “Direct Access” healthcare providers. Being a licensed Doctor of Physical Therapy, my training has provided me with the knowledge, expertise, and licensure required to evaluate, diagnose, and treat simple through complex pain and injury as well as physical limitations without a prescription or referral from a Physician or alternate healthcare provider. 

This means that you can confidently and safely consult with Convergent Movement and Performance directly upon the onset of any movement-related pain or injury that is hindering your ability to perform the activities you love.

Nonetheless, here at Convergent Movement and Performance I believe strongly in maintaining clear and open communication and collaboration with your physician/s.  By doing so, we ensure that your healthcare team is updated, aware, and in agreement with everything going on with your condition, treatment, and care.  To help us achieve this goal, I ask that upon intake you provide the contact information for the physician/s with whom you would like me to communicate with. 

Prices for services at Convergent Movement and Performance are completely dependent upon the individualized program that will be created specifically for you. 

Keep in mind, Convergent Movement and Performance is not a traditional physical therapy clinic.  Instead, I provide fully customizable and individualized 1-on-1 health, physical therapy, and fitness services that are tailored specifically to you and your goals. 

Please do not hesitate to schedule a free consultation to discuss programs and pricing.  

 For your convenience, I accept cash, check, and credit card for all services.  If you are experiencing pain, you may also have the option of using a Health Savings Account or Flexible Spending Account. 

Please note, I don’t ever want cost to be a reason why you can’t get the help you need.  If finances are an honest concern, please reach out and discuss this with me.  I will always do my best to try to find a way to help anyone that shows me they are truly committed and interested in the Convergent approach.

Yes, if you have “out-of-network” physical therapy benefits, you can use your insurance towards physical therapy services!  In the eyes of insurance, services are considered “physical therapy” if you are experiencing pain or other physical limitations.  

If you are pain-free, or you don’t have physical limitations with daily activities, then services are considered “wellness” or “fitness” by insurance companies.  Unfortunately, insurance providers do not cover wellness or fitness services.    

In regards to physical therapy services:  After each session, I will provide a receipt with all of the information and codes needed to send to your insurance company. As long as you have appropriate out-of-network coverage, you can receive reimbursement for physical therapy services by independently filing the claim with your insurance company. Whether or not you have out-of-network coverage, and what specifically they will reimburse, is individual to each person based on the insurance plan. For additional details on determining your insurance benefits, and receiving reimbursement from your insurance company, please reference my webpage here: 

Regardless of whether or not services are covered by your out-of-network benefits, please do not hesitate to contact me directly to discuss programs and pricing. 

If you do not have out-of-network benefits, and the costs of services honestly prevent you from being able to work with me, please let me know.  As long as you are sincerely committed and interested in the Convergent approach, then I will do the best I can to keep costs within your means.

I’d never want cost to be a reason why you can’t get the help you deserve.




Because Convergent Movement and Performance is an out-of-network clinic, I am unfortunately unable to provide physical therapy services (in person or through telehealth) to those with Medicare, Medicaid, and Military-based insurances.  

I am however able to provide most wellness and fitness services without restrictions. 

Nonetheless, it is very important to me that I help you along your journey to ensure you receive the best possible care and treatment.  Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact me and simply state that you have one of the previously mentioned insurance plans.  Although I may not be able to treat you directly, I will do all I can to help navigate you to the most appropriate healthcare provider.

Because Convergent Movement and Performance is an out-of-network clinic, I am unfortunately unable to provide physical therapy services (in person or through telehealth) to those with Medicare, Medicaid, and Military-based insurances.  

I am however able to provide certain wellness and fitness services without restrictions. 

Nonetheless, it is very important to me that I help you along your journey to ensure you receive the best possible care and treatment.  Therefore, please do not hesitate to contact me and simply state that you have one of the previously mentioned insurance plans.  Although I may not be able to treat you directly, I will do all I can to help navigate you to the most appropriate healthcare provider.

Let's Meet!

If my practice and approach sound like a good fit for you and your goals, I’d love to find a convenient time for us to meet.  We can do an initial assessment, determine what’s going on, and discuss what the best next steps would be moving forward.  Please click below to schedule a convenient time for your initial assessment session, and get ready to conquer your pain and become healthy, active, and fit!  

If you still have questions, or would like to meet before getting started, I completely understand!  Please don’t hesitate to click below and schedule a free consultation session where we can get to know one another and discuss what’s been going on. I will be happy to honestly explain whether and how I can help.  Together, we will determine whether we’re a good fit.